Legal Representation

Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc. defends parents’ right to secure their children against the social contagion and harms caused by gender identity ideology, providing legal representation before administrative agencies and state and federal courts. CPR-C will work with local attorneys to provide parents and their children with knowledgeable and effective representation in the following areas:

Legal Representation

Parental Rights in Education

We offer representation to parents whose constitutionally protected fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children has been violated by educational policies that circumvent parents to impose transgender ideology on their children or affirm a gender identity inconsistent with their child’s sex without the approval of parents. When school officials follow the blueprint provided by activists to withhold information about their child or to aid and abet minors to circumvent parental authority that protects them from unscientific and unproven political ideologies, we will assist parents to hold them accountable.

Student Privacy and First Amendment Rights

We assist students and parents whose fundamental rights to privacy and familial integrity and First Amendments rights have been violated by educational policies and actions which compel students to affirm gender identity ideology principles, including compelled use of inaccurate pronouns, sexually integrated privacy facilities, and misinformation.

Parental Rights in Child Protective Services and Medical Decision-making

Activists may use Child Protective Services (CPS) to try to intimidate parents into affirming a gender identity inconsistent with their child’s sex. CPR-C will provide experienced legal representation to help parents protect their parental rights to make medical and mental health decisions for their child against CPS allegations.

Amicus Briefs

We have filed Friend of the Court Briefs in cases that are central to our mission. This includes cases safeguarding children, girls and women, and parents’ right to raise their children according to the dictates of their own conscience.